“The New Age” When “Waking Up” just means deeper sleep!

03/04/2013 13:10

“The New Age”

When “Waking Up” just means deeper sleep!

We would also like to make clear that although you may consider this manual a “new age” publication, we do not. That is because what you are calling “new age” is just the final manifestation of the old age. ZOEV JHO, ET 101

New agers, truth seekers, indigo/ star children...over the decades people have heard many such names and labels of those who have received much self satisfaction by attributing themselves to be the benefactors and guru’s of the global awakening that is taking place within this crucial hour of humanities transition. Yet as one looks out over the vast sea of struggling, confused and often psychotic assortment of personalities claiming enlightenment, truth and divinity, it only seems here to stir the prolonged pain and realization of how the glamour of deep self delusion is still today keeping so many from accessing true divine potentiality.

What has become clear in this hour is that most so-called spiritualists and new agers example today’s raging psychosis of a people struggling to deny the truth of the true planetary situation which today they find themselves in. This article does not seek to frighten people or cast dispersions but to indicate that in the face of what now comes those with such deep investment in the maya of this world; – those who find themselves immersed or clinging to such glamour and illusion will only find great confusion, fear and possibly madness as today’s realities swiftly change and they realize they are not in true alignment with the great divine cause.

In fact many will soon have the sad realization that they have been working in opposition to it despite their “good and positive intentions”!

Let us get straight to the point...

YOU are not “spiritual” because you play with crystals, do yoga, are psychic, heal with reiki or massage, eat organic food, use essential oils...                                                                           

YOU are not “awakened” because you surround yourselves with like minded people who parrot - “love and Light”, “We are all one”, “There is no evil”, “I am a spiritual being having a human experience” etc.

 YOU cannot “save the world” nor were you ever meant to!

In fact to use the words “Spirit or Awakened” in connection with any of these pursuits, therapies and delusions is mostly a gross misrepresentation of Truth and only serves to hijack or counterfeit the true work that is being done today by those servers of the race in true and right alignment.

Beliefs are just illusions and will only serve a purpose if they lead people to the realization of Truth. As a platform for ones “reality” they are simply fictional or evanescent and only indicate lack of inner knowing or true gnosis. To base one’s life on mere beliefs and projections, will only in today’s changing social and spiritual climate, lead to psychological disaster as people will now find it very hard to reconcile their own “versions of reality” with the Truth that now emerges.

Your personal self is a construct... and all your belief structures, personal perceptions and intellectualizations are merely the phantoms of truth. They are constantly fed and projected by those yet to find and stabilize in alignment with true divine relativity!                                                                                As the new energies pour into this world and the planetary ego fractures, know such personal and collective constructs will completely collapse as things really start to intensify.                                    

For these new energies are ones of dissolution and at the end of an age it is not about thriving in and adding more delusion to personality life but completely the opposite. It is about learning to die!-(yes you heard it correctly-die!) To all definitions of self! ... Be clear -we are not talking about physical death but true deep esoteric death.

Only as the false lights turns off does the real turn on!

True awakening comes about by truly ridding oneself of glamour and illusion not by indulging in it. Open your real eyes humanity and See things as they truly are. That mostly, your mantras of “Love and Light” and “Peace on earth” are just gentle songs of the self, playing upon each other to keep yourselves comfortable and asleep!

Fear and self-delusion comes in many guises!

Understand that what most new agers and spiritualists understand as their so-called “higher self” is but an inverted response and reception to a finer and subjective aspect of their microcosm.               

This “voice” is but the “great deceiver” that today holds many such people in confusion and thrall!             

Denying Truth, they have only understood their “false intuition” and acted upon their lipika impulses.  

While many “spiritualists and new agers” have received wake up calls from the true divine soul they have failed to recognize their true significance. It should be now obvious to many, that most have assumed enlightenment or spiritual awakening and under the influence of their “higher selves”  have called or thought themselves teachers and guru’s, have written books of “the path”, “The Truth” and “God”. Inwardly and in their subtle vanity they have deluded themselves to thinking themselves special or authority. Little did they realize that these touches represent simply the beginning of a much deeper process which they have stopped or greatly delayed because they were to drunk on their own self perceived divinity!

So let us assist and clarify...

Despite what many of you BELIEVE you are not YET children of God (in the true esoteric sense)            

You are not divine and most of you are not expressing any true “divine beingness”.

You have to turn within and seek much deeper...

YOU are merely a struggling personality trying to perpetuate your reality in any way possible.            

The “I” greatly deceives itself and more then often you are willing to use your contorted, relative and hybrid version of so-called “spirituality” to achieve its aims!

I’m sure many of you will be repulsed by these words and even resentful!

You still seek in your spiritual immaturity those self affirming clouds of fluff to keep your ego safe, nurtured and happy. But that will not serve you in this moment...the question is- do you really want to wake up?

Today, humanities “dream” is fast becoming the collective nightmare!                                                   

Many people are scared of facing the possibilities of what is being said here...                                  

How very few of you truly understand that it is in facing fear wherein lies the deep unravelling that allows you to open to true divine potentiality.

If you are caught up in the swelling fear of the planetary ego you will miss the shared grace of the deeper moment!

For it has been said that God is no respecter of personalities.

Today the new comes with the death of the old and today’s angel comes with an almighty sword.

Let it slay you!