The Akashic Interface
By Columnist Sadiki Bakari

The akashic interface is in reference to one’s own experiences in unlocking the pathways to their intuitive self, aspects of the super conscious mind and the opening of one’s spiritual codes. This is where all information is supposedly stored in the universe. This is a cosmic library of sorts that holds the key to exalted consciousness. Imagine a matrix of intelligence that is infinite. This is the great phenomenon that’s lured huemanity for time immemorial. Any “reality” that exists can be experienced by those able to access the akashic codes. There is an oracle in all of us if we are willing to be still and calm. You are a soul and the akashic interface is you interfacing with deeper aspects of yourself. This will develop greater pathways of creativity, manifestation and the nurturing of one’s intrinsic essence. This will also release the bondage of old patterns and pathologies that debilitates a person’s divine experiences and perception. The proper akashic interface is where our divinity resides. Every ancient “civilization” has allegory, stories and myth communicating the experience and ritual of akashic technology being prevalent in their time. Our predecessors overstood the activation of divine experience.

The akashic records are also known as the collective consciousness, the cosmic library, akashic scrolls, collective subconscious and the mind of “God.”

You are a micro universe; therefore all informational data is encoded in your DNA just as informational data is stored in computer systems. Remember, the computer is mimicking your hueman template. Your DNA is an organic worldwide web. You can “Google” the akashic intelligence of the universe by internally going inside of your esoteric self. This is the type of interfacing that very few are willing to do. The roadmap is the essence of who and what we are at the core where fear and limitation does not reside. This includes the cellular level. The noise must be removed from one’s mind in order to reach the states of consciousness necessary to dance in the vortex of your akashic imprints. We have a predisposition to higher consciousness and intelligence based on the programs that are already embedded and inscribed in our genetic make-up. This is where Meta-information and the intelligence of many dimensions are housed. Those that can interface with the awareness of the akashic records can envision the future. This is the precursor to what is known today as remote viewing.  This is the alchemy of intelligence as the information of the past is transformed into data and intelligence today and for the future. The principle of Sankofa is a great example of overstanding the purpose of the akashic records. It teaches us how not to recreate the same experiences over again based on our past choices, behaviors and experiences and how to create new experiences. This information will most importantly give us a template for our purpose as souls in this dimension.

 What impedes akashic intelligence?

There are many factors that deter one’s ability to interface with akashic records or scrolls. I will discuss a few of them. Interfacing with Artificial Intelligence will definitely block the portal to akashic intelligence. A person must first have access to the portal. The sole purpose of Artificial Intelligence is to co-opt organic intelligence and disturb the inner workings of the organism. The paradigm of fear is an extreme inhibitor because of the ILLusion and apprehension that it creates. One must also have peace of mind to open these gates and also be open to the tearing down of walls, programs and belief systems. These blockages will not allow akashic awareness and Meta-information to come through the wormhole of cosmic intelligence. A person must have trust in their power of divinity; otherwise he or she is subconsciously deifying the lack thereof. If a person deems this untrue, they are living the program of ILLusion. The disposition of this will not allow access to the higher Being or the akashic records. Spiritual atrophy will exist and the portal will be closed. This will keep a person aligned with the physical/material third dimensional consciousness, instead of infinite consciousness, spiritual transmigration interface and the doorway to higher dimensions. Akashic technology is an amazing shift of consciousness and spirit that has always existed. Interfacing with the portal of akashic intelligence assists us in aligning with the higher frequencies of energy streaming to this planet. We are conduits in this network of spiritual consciousness and soul manifestation. The esoteric of divine manifestation is rooted in and part of the akashic interface and coded information.

Akashic Interface and Technology

The akashic interface is an organic spiritual technology. This archetypal form of technology is sacred for the true practitioner. It is not in any form, shape or fashion related to the portal of Artificial Intelligence, which is engineered. Western technology is attempting to seize the Meta-information and the Hueman Being’s interfacing with the askashic records. This is warfare waged on the manifestation of spirit, divine alchemy and the process of nurturing the Soul Being we refer to as huemansTheir mission is to have huemanity in a computer generated and simulated universe and environment. Virtual reality and environment will act as a synthetic construct of manipulation that will be promoted as advanced technology that will augment and enhance hueman emotion, the spirit, and one’s interfacing with our internal and external universe. The advent of mixed reality will be even more confusing than virtual reality. They want your experiences controlled and driven by a cosmic computer, as opposed to the cosmic universe.

Our future generations depend on our ability to access the akashic data to insure a prominent future for them and their offspring. It is of the greatest importance for us to assist in realigning the balance of nature, huemanity and the Earth’s chakras. This is why synthetic systems are being created to disconnect huemanity from their imagination, vivid dreams and creative life force, in turn causing disharmony and chaos on the journey of one’s climactic ascension. These entities fear their own demise and are willing to take everyone with them into their abyss of a simulated computer world. They want and need your consciousness to drive their virtual reality interface. While the essence of huemanity is interfacing with light codes, ascension and akashic intelligence, many biotechnologists and neuroscientists are interfacing with what is called the Human Enhancement Revolution. Our essence and consciousness are the original supercomputers that are being marginalized and “recreated” by Artificial Intelligence. Realign yourself with your embedded self and the universe. We are the keepers of the mega-frequency on this planet today called Earth.

Activate the embedded imprints. The wormhole is open!


Sadiki Bakari is an international organizer, national lecturer, and futurist and has authored numerous books. His latest titles are The Magnum Opus on Sacred Spiritual Technology, Akashic Interface & the Singularity and Wormholes, Cybernauts and Holographic Gods. Bakari is considered one of the preeminent minds of his generation. Please visit


The Transcendant and Eternal Being Cannot Be Realised With the Mind That Thinks:

By Anonymous

The Transcendant and eternal being cannot be realised with the mind that thinks:
It may only be Expereinced by the Purified, Humble, and Devoted Heart

As entire human beings, we are composed of many strata, and layers of our being, which, in this world, are for the most part all that we know and experience.
The temporary person, the one that is born, and then dies, has a mind that thinks, a sphere of being in which it feels emotions, and a body by which it experiences the physical world.

These things together compose; for the most part; our interior world, and through them is interpreted all that we experience of the world. They are the familiar house of our awareness; So familiar, in fact, that they are taken for granted as being the limits of our existence, for all that we have seen or known, or felt, or understood and conceived, have arisen, for the most part, out of this temporary, lower, being.

However, it is the case that alongside the world that we know with our eyes and ears, our feelings and emotions, and our thinking rational/abstract mind, there exists a supernal continuum of being. It remains eternally unaffected by the temporal world; the comings and passings which occur here impact it in its own realm not in the least.

It is from There that our existence arises, projected like a multidimensional hologram from the Source of our being, the Center, the Heart of our existence, playing out like a movie on the viewscreen of our consciousness in time. Our viewscreens are all interpreting the phenomena of the same outer world, interpreted via the lens of the personality, the lower being, the thinking, feeling, sensate composite which is that self we experience in this world.

The thinking mind can conceive all manner of phenomena, the realm of its ideation can reach beyond even what appears to be possible in the material world. It can formulate concrete concepts, and describe abstract and barely tangible ideas.

It CANNOT, however, reach beyond its own nature, which is necessarily limited, for it exists within a space and time, of a sort. The thinking mind is a temporal accretion which comes into being for the purposes of providing the incarnating soul a means of interacting with the realm of thought; just as the feeling/emotional body is for the purpose of allowing the soul to be present upon that strata; and the physical body is required for the soul to be present upon, to experience and interact with, the dense physical world.

The thinking mind, like all things in this world, comes into being, and then passes away, in time.

The mind that thinks cannot, of itself reach the Living Spirit, or transcend itself into the Eternal.

The Supernal continuum exists entirely beyond the mind, it is of Another Nature, an Eternal Nature.

It exists regardless of whether the thinking mind conceives of Its existence, and It exists out of a transcendent Nature which is not possible for the thinking mind to enter into.Our being in this world is a receptacle. It is enlivened by Life-Force which it receives through the soul, and it receives experience from the outer world (each strata according to its state).
The thinking mind, then, cannot of itself reach into that Other existence, from which our being arises, from which the Source and Purpose of our being emanates. All of our thinking, conceiving and ideation cannot ever reach God and Spirit.

The thinking mind CAN, however, RECEIVE from that Other World, the Supernal and Eternal Nature.
Like water may be poured into an empty glass, the Living Spirit may enter into and enliven the mind, the feeling nature, the body: the whole of the lower being.
Water, however, is not able to fill a glass that is already filled with sand. The result is very little water, and much mud. Nothing that may be drunken in good health...
Therefore, one who seeks the Living Spirit itself, at its source, is one who EMPTIES ONES SELF.

Guided by the inner hearts Knowing and Devotion to that which exists beyond its current experience, but which it (the inner heart) is nonetheless doubtlessly certain exists; and which exists in a way that transcends everything that we may know in our mind; we may come to experience the Living Truth, what is called REALITY in comparison to the shadowy dream-world that is this temporal existence.

The thinking mind defines.

That is its nature.

In order to comprehend, it must ascribe limitations, delineations, and definitions that it may grasp and so understand.

How, then, is it possible to grasp, define, and limit the Limitless Eternity?

It is not possible, without compromising its essence, and turning somthing Ephimeral, Transcendant and Free, into another bauble for the ego-being.
Thus, it is called the Unknowable.
This Other Nature, CAN however, be experienced via the faculty of the Soul, which in its Essence is of Like Nature as, and Unified with, the Supernal; and by way of this Experience it may be said to be Known.An Experience of the Other, Transcendent Nature may be interpreted, defined by the mind into something which may be comprehended. This comprehension may be enlivened by the Living Experience, the Vitality of the Living Spirit, lending it the potential to attune other minds, feeling natures and bodies to the Supernal Verity.

The Experience of the Other Nature, the Eternal Reality, takes place beyond the thinking mind. It takes place within, deeper than the thinking mind, and it is as though a Veil is lifted from an Ocean of Serene Luminance and Boundless Space. It stretches away in every direction (in directions inconceivable to us!) into Eternity. Within the Ocean is naught but Light, not a light like that we may know in this world, but an Existence that by Being is Luminant from within itself, arising continually, eternally in the Moment, the endless instance of its being, which is Alive, New, forever.

The comprehension, however, of ideas regarding the Eternal Being, is not the Experience.

We must become as little children: trusting in Spirit, unassuming, unknowing, vulnerable in our hearts to the Divine Presence, waiting, in Faithful Knowing that It Will Come to fill us, lift us, and transform us, transmuting our being into That Which It Is.

In the meantime, the world will pass by; the heavenly bodies continue in their orbits; the atoms of matter oscillating; thoughts will arise and disappear; feelings will play across our experience; colors, lights and sounds will flash and bloom, until they all reach their inevitable end; but God Remains, Unaffected, Unmoved, Complete.
Purify Thy Heart, Empty Thy Self, and Seek, with All of Thy Being, That Living Truth which Liberates.


The Invisible War on Humanity

By Truth Fellowship

Today we find ourselves living in progressively more turbulent and stressful times. Sensitive persons, and even the more discerning man-of-the-masses, are now feeling the increasing pressure and influence of unwholesome forces and powers arising, as prophesied, to maintain and reinforce their dominion in these end-times. The ongoing agenda to suppress genuine spiritual awareness and experience is intensifying; greater and more cunning efforts are being made to reduce the potential for freedom from the systems of physical and occult control that fashion and manipulate human society on Earth.

This is a subject, though frightening to many, that we have long sought to expound in the world as a necessary warning of what vision had apprised us of much earlier, knowing that a point in time would arrive when many more people would become conscious of these influences, and so seek understanding. For although, due to enhanced communications such as the Internet etc., humanity is being made aware of the more tangible methods of propaganda via the media, politics, economics and military activity, far fewer people are to date educated regarding the more subtle and surreptitious dynamics of the hidden or invisible onslaught upon the collective human consciousness.

In our times of potential world-awakening and spiritual realization, a discriminating portion of humanity is striving to disengage as much as possible from "the matrix*", at least in thought and aspiration, which, unlike the physical level of our being, is possible even if challenging to do. However, such a disconnection and readjustment in one's inner life and attitude brings about peculiar ramifications and responses from the pervasive intelligence of the matrix itself, and these are today bearing down on mankind as the inevitable world-tension increases.

* The Matrix: an accurate metaphorical term borrowed from the deeply allegorical movie of the same name.

Some of the hostile reactions of the living, intelligent matrix and its ceaslessly active, incorporeal servants to any genuine effort to disengage are quite recognizable to the informed mind and certainly experienced by the sensitive. The person who has become aware and who is therefore naturally moving in a contrary direction to the dying world-order might experience periods of a darkening of consciousness that is impossible to explain by worldly reasoning alone and which may last for hours, weeks or longer, only to suddenly evaporate, affording the victim much needed and precious time to recover. Agitation and psychic stress, doubt, guilt, self-depreciating thoughts, confusion and an inability to think clearly; physiological effects such as headaches, heart palpitations  and insomnia; disorienting thought-impressions, 'voices', and thought-loops, extreme bodily heaviness and enervation identical to the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), listlessness and depression... these are just some of the symptoms caused by the growing, reactive hostilities of the matrix to souls who are struggling to become free or who carry Light.

These psychic attacks are purposefully imposed to undermine self-esteem, confidence, alertness and awareness. Designed to incite a sense of personal shortcoming or failure, thus inciting guilt and shame, they stimulate a need to 'fix' oneself or to otherwise distract oneself by way of engaging in the lower passions and desires*. The victim may consequently seek respite from these onslaughts in various ways, earnestly believing that he or she is a bad, weak or otherwise unworthy person. Yet inexplicably and in a moment these symptoms of psychic attack can disappear entirely, as though a switch has been turned off, the resulting, relatively bright and clear mind and consciousness left in a daze as to what has happened and where it has been.

* Should the victim choose to submit to the enticements of the gross impressions and opt to become preoccupied by some trivial, mundane or self-gratifying activity (for example, smoking, drinking, eating, having sex, entertainment or even meaningless social interaction), the symptoms may abate, or amidst such distraction one might become less conscious and so less overtly troubled by them.

Presently, all around the world, we can observe the manifest, physical-plane correspondences of an ongoing invisible war, which is imposed upon humanity from the inner side of life and is facilitated by the general state and customary activity of the mass-consciousness itself. This assault is being experienced by almost every human being in some way, yet those who are in conformity with the matrix and so who vibrate within the parameters of 'psychic acceptability' set by the ruling powers of this world have become inured to many of its effects by way of habit, which brings about a crystallization of consciousness and its  corresponding psychic and spiritual insensitivity. To date on the planet, as long as one is participating within and so contributing towards (feeding) 'the system', the matrix, one is generally spared the more severe psychic attacks and inevitable effects of Armageddon, and may even be encouraged or inspired in one's worldly pursuits by being fed from and stimulated in symbiotic rapport with the gross energies and forces that predominate on Earth and which permeate the planet, leaving no person untouched, and with which the majority of humanity is entirely identified and subservient. As long as people 'keep the beast happy' by feeding the matrix in one form or another, via their attitudes, their thinking and their emotional responses, and - analogous of a military scenario - as long as they march to the beat of the common drum and do not fall out of line, then they are exempt from reprimand and the pressure of corrective discipline. In order to fortify the semblance of 'life' on Earth they may also be rewarded by a sense of self-satisfaction or materialistic achievement. This latter kind of reward is temporary, and due to its nature being of the lower human psyche, it requires the seeking out of and engagement in appropriate worldly and psychic activity so as to secure the next fix. Meanwhile for those who are genuinely striving to be free of the matrix and so who venture even marginally beyond the delineated ceiling of consciousness, the wrath of the 'keepers', the 'sentinels', the 'agents' of the matrix will be experienced in some way in order to coerce consciousness back to a more manageable and controllable level.

Even if one does not partake of society's indoctrination, human consciousness is still gradually conditioned by the pervasive matrix, via negative feedback, to avoid certain attitudes, ideas and states of awareness. The agencies that allow such hidden manipulation to be successful are intrinsically active within the the human ego: the personality vessels that each soul occupies while in incarnation. To give just one example, the brain/mind is easily conditioned through pleasure and pain stimuli, and the subtle bodies that exist within the human aura are highly impressionable, and through prolonged and unnatural pressures, applied by mankind's hidden aggressors, can be molded to produce particular and habitual response-patterns.

It has ever been the case, but is particularly so in these days of increasing planetary tension and catharsis, that it requires an uncommonly stout, dedicated and devout soul to go the genuine spiritual Path: a path that necessitates relinquishment of the ways of the world upon the sane journey towards freedom from the imprisoning matrix. For many earnest seekers and lovers of Truth in our troubled and very challenging times, a major part of going The Way is to simply endure the onslaught in trained dispassion and surrender, often suffering one's relegation to a meek, spiritually-limited but ever vigilantly-policed consciousness. For only in unconditional surrender can one minimize the further trouble that is so often brought about due to hasty, if quite understandable, reactions in a world where true Justice together with any sense of fair play by the righteous is entirely absent. "Resist not evil" - Jesus. Faithful endurance is the virtue of this 'hour of crucifixion', as was demonstrated by Jesus on the cross, and it is normal and natural for many to feel that God has forsaken them.

Today this Earth is indeed, perhaps more than ever before, the world of the cross*, and those who seek and live their lives in alignment with the Truth carry the weight of the Cross heavy upon them. As Jesus said to those who deemed that they were ready to follow in Christ's footsteps, "You must count well the cost" before setting out upon the Way. Yet for the spiritually-sane there is never really any other choice; they must either bear their cross in willing personal sacrifice, or give in to and so serve the forces that are opposed to the freedom and liberation of the soul from the bondage of ignorance and death.

* As it has been known for ages by aware members of the galactic community.

Experienced initially only by the sensitive, from the inner, subtle planes of this world, what has been developing there is now manifesting physically and materially upon the planet. More and more the world is seeing evidence of psychological and physical control playing itself out amidst the outer machinations of society. Humanity is being deceived and manipulated on a massive and all-encompassing scale, and the deception, which in the past has been relatively subtle, is today becoming more obvious. One can hardly read the news nowadays without hearing about yet another country rebelling against corruption in its government: the polarities of Armageddon playing themselves out in the material world as a result of the manifesting tensions from the hidden side of life.

Already the physical ethers of the planet are saturated with electromagnetic noise. Much of this is created by communication systems, yet some of the bandwidth that humanity naturally shares within its collective consciousness is also being utilized for the deliberate broadcast of frequencies that cause agitation, confusion and debilitation to the sensitive inner being. In addition to the physical pollution as a byproduct of human commerce and industry, the very air that we breathe is being polluted, again purposefully, with consciousness-altering/suppressing chemicals and compounds. As a result, humanity is being driven more and more towards self-anaesthetizing activity and distraction, pressurized daily to assimilate and so conform with the matrix program.

These outer manifestations are an inevitable precipitation of the inner psychic pollution that has arisen within human society as a result of perpetuated thinking and desiring over millennia. The mental and emotional worlds that correspond to the physical planet are today filled with the noise and noxious clouds of unwholesome living. Planet Earth is ailing terribly.

An attitude of informed detachment and dispassion is most prudent in these last days of the cycle. A good occult understanding and subsequent non-identification with the phenomena arising as a result of a world in crisis are invaluable in maintaining a correct focus and attitude, which will help avert becoming overwhelmed by the intensifying assault.

There is little hope now for a turn-around in the trend of the collective human consciousness before the end of this age. While there is greater incidence of rebellion in response to the more tangible manifestations of the end times developments ("war and rumor of war"), for fundamental change to occur, their fundamental cause and source must be addressed by mankind, which for long ages and thus far it has been unwilling to do. Therefore it should be expected that the world-situation will become more inflamed leading up to the prophesied and inevitable apocalypse.

It is the responsibility and opportunity of each soul to seek out the truth of things, and to seek thoroughly and conscientiously, so that we may see clearly what is taking place in the world. Even though it may be unpleasant we must not be afraid to confront reality squarely, for in seeking the Truth we must acknowledge both the good and the bad. Then in seeing clearly, we may adopt an objective attitude, understanding the costs and tribulations that we will necessarily experience on the Path, while proceeding in willingness and supplication to what is true. Despite all outer appearances, we should remain faithful to our inner calling, whatever form that may take. The wise do not indulge in hopefulness, nor do they dwell in regret, but instead address things just as they are, so that with awareness, honesty and steadfastness they may go The Way in spiritual surrender.


The God of Illusions

By Anon (From THE SWORD)

Most of humanity look out into the created universe today and imagine an omnipotent god controlling and governing the known universe. Those somewhat more spiritually inclined offer adulations and praise to this almighty creator, seeking consolation when their lives are troubled or their understandings perplexed. Yet very few seek to understand the very foundations upon which they make their offerings from nor do they question the apparent chaos and disharmonies that engulf them continually upon their short and somewhat miserable journey through this existence. It is seen that humanity assumes much and yet knows very little as to the nature of its existence and surrounding reality!

When people talk about god, do not they usually seek to understand a god of their own aspirations? Is it not a reflection of certain qualities from their very selves, their hopes and desires that they project upon what god is?

The Christian church fathers tell us to place all our trust in god and tell us that their god is all-loving, all-powerful and all-knowing and they as servants of “god” offer themselves  to this almighty creator from upon the foundations that  their spiritual fore- fathers have stood. Affirmed in their belief and worship by the mighty words  of the avatars and saints that have appeared throughout humanities collective history, they have interpreted and attributed most of the given qualities to their god which they have learned with the guidance of the church and which the church itself has cultivated and reinforced over successive millennia.

So great are these attributes and so fervent in their belief they are -their followers simply do not question such a grand orchestration and authority - and over those successive generations they have worshipped such an image, that it has become an aspect of their very blood consciousness. As many have given their devotion, time and even their lives to appease their god, in the church today “faith” is merely instinctual and “belief” automatic as it has been absorbed deeply into the racial consciousness.

Should we look back through humanities collective history its energetic investment to “god” over countless lifetimes is massive. Great battles have been fought in “god’s name” with conquests and conversions galore! Countless martyrs have offered their own little lives to this great unknowable that somehow the church fathers seem to know all too well.

But what is it that humanity truly serves? What happens when a people surrender their hearts and minds to such images as they personally and collectively continue to affirm their own ideals and beliefs to their very selves and each other?

Then through their maintained convictions dedicate their lives to that which they have been told, hope and even demand that exists? Do they not through their own devices create a god in their own image?

Have they not projected and imposed their own will upon truth! And what of the strength of such an image when it has been cultivated over generations?

Can such a generated entity eventually dominate and overtake a peoples minds and hearts if they, themselves, exchange such falsehood over that which they innately sense is true and real- becoming the ignorant victims to such a reflected impression that has become governed and manipulated by an outside authority?

It is time that humanity understands what they serve and perhaps voice aloud those unutterable words that fear and self deception fight against. Those words that will not be uttered by those who bare false witness to truth! That we of ourselves know nothing! Let us not be afraid to see that mostly the foundations of human worship to “God” are illusory and even cancerous in their effect and to simply put it – that most of your spiritual leaders, priests and gurus have been self deceived and that they have been lying to you!

Here it must be said that with these words we do not want to stir or inflame passions against such personages. Such beings would not even hold any such positions of authority if the collective itself would not give them the energy to fortify themselves in their illusions and let it be seen that many such leaders are sometimes quite pure in their intent as they mostly believe with a conviction in what they teach and say.

The root of their lie exists not only within their minds but within their hearts and there it is fostered and reinforced every time they act discordant with the truth of their hearts and deny their true soul to serve the outwards principles and values of their illusionary authority. When most people speak of god in a personal way they are prescribing attributes and terms as defined by their own relative perceptions, conceptions and experiences of life. An ego/personality centered consciousness ascribes its reality in terms of personal understanding and relativity.

To an awakening or awakened heart and consciousness, the ego may be understood or known as the centre of fear or the “I” consciousness. It is a disassociated aspect of our original and full consciousness that perhaps one could say is the microcosmic product of an aspect of our greater cosmic consciousness that fell beyond the relative measures of what humanity terms as time and space. As a disassociated aspect of our original and full consciousness it perverts into a perceptional quality that draws itself deeper into its own version of a distorted and twisted reality.

As most of humanity draws its understanding and knowledge through their own individual perception and relativity it is not wrong to say that most of people today are almost completely ego-centric.

An ego-centric consciousness is a limitation!

In fact if it is strengthened and cultivated it can become a prison capturing a being in its own and partial version of temporal reality disconnecting them from divine reality -for when it has become a fundamental basis and identification of a beings existence they have effectively shut themselves off from true reality and have fundamentally rendered themselves from Life.

Such a rupture with the true centre of being is a death as darkness envelops the heart and deep fear is the result and from a more spiritualized perspective one could quite understandably term such a vehicle as the walking dead!

One could also call describe those who’s dominant facet of existence is living through and as an ego as those who are living in fear.

When someone has died in such a said manner all that they truly have is an illusion of life and thus it is not strange when one begins to awaken from their relative darkness that they cry out that all life is an illusion!

An illusion is a projection of fear and in a personal sense it is an image drawn from ones heart and mind to protect an ego from seeing the truth that is founded within the true centre of our being.

Those who live their lives purely egocentrically live in and as an illusion -as an ego of itself can know nothing but simply struggle to maintain and keep its existence generating and thriving.

One of the curious survival impulses of a human ego is that it sees what it wants to see, hears only what it wants to hear and acts accordingly to what pleases and feeds it.

It mostly denies that which threatens it own interpretation of its illusionary reality thus its nature is aversion to divine truth which it instinctually recognizes as its enemy.

As a common defence, a personality usually ascribes truth to itself and defends itself quite fiercely when it has been strongly cultivated and reinforced.

Turned outwardly into the phenomenal world an ego asserts itself into identification with matter to affirm its reality and deny any inner impulse or call that might resound from spirit!

Thus almost every impulse or desire that an ego-centric and dominated consciousness acts upon or motivates is therefore usually in opposition to spiritual impulse or awakening and any truth, conception, and higher ideal that it grasps upon of true divine reality is twisted, interpreted and reduced to its own personal perspective.

When such beings look out into phenomenal existence and surrenders- attributing everything to their “God out there” they have come to deny all that is truly real.

Having prostrated themselves before their god which is their inspired source of all their hopes, dreams and adulations… in truth it is but their own individual and collective projection and reflection of fear. Such is humanities great god of illusion!

Now when a divine personage appears or awakens upon the planet a great amount of true divine light and energy is radiated. At pertinent times in humanities collective history the great ones such as Jesus, Gautama, Krishna and Mohammad have appeared as instruments of divinity to liberate those trapped divine sparks from their earthly prison.

Well after they have departed from this world their resounding note and influence serves thousands of years afterward as a source of aspiration, inspiration and nourishment for entire civilizations that often proceed in effect of their emitted impulse.

Truly as one observes today’s grand orchestration of religious institutions and cultural perspectives they could say that such beings have made a great impression!

The light and impact that such a being brings to the collective is painful, burning through the layers of Maya, glamour and illusion that the planetary ego waxes around itself. While blazing a path through such density and darkness it stimulates, awakens and releases many divine sparks from their prison but it also provokes, disturbs and burns the planetary ego that often and usually reacts with great pain and distress seeking to muffle, restrain and even destroy such an intruder that it sees as the cause of its pain and becomes their adversary.

It is thus why all the great ones have faced such formidable trials, obstacles and much suffering in their service and dispensation of light and truth. After such a divine personage has served their mission of true salvation and departed- the planetary ego instinctually moves to re-assert itself and is relatively swift and cunning in its response.

After a great ones departure the powerful and higher residual vibration and impression that such a being leaves upon the planet dynamically affects and impacts upon the remaining collective. But such an impression must not be confused with the original and true divine salvic impulse which is received via the divine spark that lies at the true centre of ones being which is the catharsis for true awakening and enlightenment.

It is but the “bright shadow” that draws, affects and stirs the planetary ego in which it immediately seeks to utilize- to strengthen and reinforce itself! It is this false light that the planetary ego feeds and draws upon to maintain its illusionary existence and empower its own twisted agenda.

Upon such higher impulses, energies and vibration that such a divine being leaves in its wake the world ego creates its own interpretations and images of divine reality, truth and god… to pervert, seduce and overpower those of true humanity into wrongful identification.

It does this to draw and feed from their essence and projections to maintain and feed its own illusion! This is the greatly guarded secret and foundation that mainstream religion today refuses to admit as they are the keepers of the great illusion. That these unholy imitators of divine truth and life are merely serving to keep and maintain a shadow! When we look out over the world today this is what we see.

A more awakened being shudders at the great delusions of mankind.

Cultivated over millennia- mainstream and organized religion is but a sickening parody far removed from the original salvic impulses and teachings that originally initiated them and using the images of the great ones -the planetary ego has created many false gods.

Prostrating themselves before these degenerating images their keepers and their followers only serve to keep humanity locked in their earthly prison as they successfully dominate and control the planetary consciousness.

The great confusion and distortion of the true teachings from the great ones under mainstream and organized religion from the passing age is today but a great dragnet upon the collective. Their followers blind and deaf, clinging to images that lead astray, confuse and dominate upon many beings who are awakening to the new salvic impulse of the day!

Their keepers lost in but the refuse of the passing age lack the innate ability, humility and honesty in the face of change as this world is put under increasing stimulation in accordance to divine decree.

As those cosmic rays of divine love and dissolution increase in their intensity- formidable pressure is now to be continually exerted upon humanity. Should humanity choose to remain fixed and unrepentant in its illusions, idealisms and ways they will suffer greatly by their own hands.

This has been forewarned by the various prophets, seers and divine beings throughout humanities collective history- in which some have termed this tumultuous phase of great change “Armageddon.”

Those religious figures and keepers who continue to impose their evil authority and dominance upon the collective shall now be forcefully and finally thrown from their seats of power.

The glory and truth of the coming age has been greatly dimmed and distorted by those who would suffer others to their delusions, deceptions and self gratifications.

Now in this final stage of the planetary corrective process those beings who refuse to align and submit to divine will and decree shall now be removed from this world as she now awakens and moves on to her rightful place.



by Anon

Our prayers for help are usually the consequence of incidental troubles that are caused by our concessions to delusion and lack of true Knowledge of the undivine nature of this world. However, due to our ignorance, when one trouble has just left us, we are often diligently at work unconsciously creating causes for the next! Yet the prayer for help that is always responded to by the Christ-Hierarchy is the consequence of a state of the soul in which, according to the following paraphrased words of the Buddha, one clearly has the realisation that: "If this Earth were all that the poets dreamed of, if all disaster were swept away, every pain brought to an end, every joy made more profound, every beauty made more sublime, even if everything here were raised to the summit of perfection, the soul would still be weary of it all, and, freed from all lesser desires, it would turn away therefrom. This dualistic Earth has then become a prison for the soul, and however nicely it may be adorned, the soul longs for the free and unlimited atmosphere beyond the surrounding walls. And the so-called heavenly world of the reflection sphere has for it as little attraction as the material sphere, the soul becomes tired of this also. These celestial joys have entirely lost their power of attraction. One's mental and emotional enjoyments do not give even the slightest satisfaction any more. Indeed they also come and go, transitory as they are, just as do the perception of the senses; they are limited, passing, unsatisfactory. The soul is weary of all these changes, and it is out of this world-weariness that it cries loudly for Liberation."

Many seekers, at some time or other, will have known something of this state of being, of this perception of the transience and worthlessness of everything in the fallen kingdom, but in most cases it was nothing more than a flash of higher consciousness, after which the outer things established their complete rule again and the glamour of delusion with its infatuating pleasures once more lulled the soul into a condition of apathy.

Delusion often presents itself to us as joy, goodness, beauty and even glory. The delusion of this world also shows us many perspectives which, to a certain extent, are good and right. These perspectives are suggested to us by forces that do their utmost to make out of this world an order acceptable to God and in harmony with divine Creation. These suggestions may be called noble and respectable, too, in a certain sense. Thus, many lifetimes may pass filled with such noble deeds. Our days can be spent in making numerous quite unselfish efforts; we may even become overloaded with humane occupations. We want to improve mankind and make it healthy, we chase after a whole number of practical ideals and rejoice at every milestone within the great illusion.

However, the stamp of all this unselfish endeavour, of all these efforts, of all this struggle, becomes visible in the whole of our personality. Our eyes speak about the remoteness at which we gaze, about everything we assume to be a certainty in the future - assume to be a certainty. . ., but that is also a delusion, for the future does not exist. Delusion is a disease of the mind, an aberration of the senses.

If only we pay attention we may see this madness glowing like fire behind the pupils of the eyes of others. Such a fire of delusion burns vehemently everywhere in this world. Dualistic art, science and religion demonstrate it; it burns in lower psychism, occultism and humanism. This pool of fire, this burning flame is not kindled by conscious, purposeful wickedness, but these red flaming tongues ascend to heaven as a continuous potent endeavour to make this fallen world acceptable, even perfect!, and to make all divine powers work for this lesser plan: the plan of Lucifer, of ignorance.

In the fallen world, and predominantly in the reflection sphere, the largest occult brotherhood of all times is working at the completion of this plan, although without even the slightest success. It has tried all ways in order to attain its goal, and although its intention was originally noble and unselfish from a certain standpoint, it started in the remote past to apply force in order to realise its aims at any cost. But force demands power and the assertion of power requires means of power.

Do you perceive the tragedy of this brotherhood in the reflection sphere, the absolute consequence of their madness? It has plunged itself into an immeasurably deep abyss. In order to eliminate all that opposed it, it instituted its own law, established courts of justice and passed sentences. In order to execute a sentence the respective means for it are necessary, and so the means were provided.

Thus prisons came into being in the reflection sphere; torture chambers, murder and killing, the mundane correspondences of which are not by far the more miserable. Which brings us to the present time when there is an almost all-inclusive imprisonment of the whole of mankind on Earth. We are not only prisoners of this world due to our fallen state, but also as a result of the surreptitious magic of the occult brotherhood alluded to. In every quarter of our cities, in every village and settlement, in nearly all of the world there exist unholy, ethereal temples in which the magic of permanent occult imprisonment is exercised, so that uncountable billions of men and women lie bound as to mind, heart and soul and are thus handicapped to a great extent in their freedom of expression and movement.

By very ancient methods, originating in old Atlantis, pernicious ether-preparations are being emanated into the atmosphere of Earth every single second. Numerous black magic sub-currents are therefore an inevitable accompanying symptom of the primarily noble goal, born out of the fundamental delusion of duality. Just as the said brotherhood has the material sphere firmly in its grip, so is its power firmly founded upon the hidden side of life in the reflection sphere also. There, too, it rules, together with its companions, by means of dualistic, magic power.

Following this revelation you can perhaps imagine what happens when a vulnerable (i.e., ignorant) person is personally targeted by these occult brotherhoods. Such a person is struck by a radiation, personally directed and opposed to his or her divine spark, here as well as in the reflection sphere. What this means for someone who does not know anything about the liberating Life is that when such a person dies, he or she is immediately haunted in the hereafter by a disquieting, nefarious force, so that they are usually urged quite rapidly to an incarnation which is completely determined for them by external, unholy powers.

We confront the reader with this reality that leaves no one of us unmolested, in order to show where 'noble delusion' invariably leads, and today is leading the masses ever more expeditiously due to a process known as The Quickening, that always precipitates at the close of major world cycles within the fallen spheres of death.

At first one is Judas, the noble man, the great idealist, the man who wants to be a fisher and saviour of mankind. Then Judas becomes a called disciple and as such he takes over the administration of goods of exceptional value. And, when the Path of Christ deflects from the fallen world and the voice of Truth sounds: "My kingship is not of this world!", then Judas - if he has no true Knowledge of duality and does not see through the delusion and consequently neither can nor wants to go the Path of Return - will first be a strategist and look for a compromise, and later turn to treason and murder.

Yet this wickedness, born out of the goodness of this world, out of the unyielding dualistic law, is not able to seize the one who Knows. This is why the Buddha gave 'Right Understanding' as the first precept of his Noble Eightfold Path.

The ultimate result of every single worldly endeavour, of all organised duality, will be self-destruction, like the end of Judas who hung himself shortly after betraying Jesus, at the very moment that the red of the resurrection morning coloured the eastern horizon. Therefore, if we want to set our feet on the Path, then the emptiness and uselessness of all dualistic appearances and efforts must become a permanent idea in our minds. We must understand that even the noblest and most unselfish endeavour, begun and continued in delusion, will sooner or later irrevocably end in a great iniquity against the Christ-Hierarchy and God's Angels.

Without this insight, without having attained this preparatory state of right understanding, leading to the Final Liberation, no one can set foot on the Path or enter the first Door to the Mysteries. However, when we have penetrated to this state of awareness, we will then stand before the Portal that opens onto the Lighted Way. Only then shall we be able to leave the rocky highway of the countless wheel-revolutions in order to climb the Temple Mountain in strong resolution to transcend the slavery of fallen life in the material sphere and the reflection sphere, and to gain eternal Freedom upon the summit of the Mount of Attainment.

To set foot on the Path will not mean, as yet, to attain the great Goal, but rather to enter the Way leading to that Goal; the Way upon which all things of this world - in so far as they have fundamentally corrupted the microcosm - have to be utterly forsaken. Thereby, step by step, ripe conditions are brought about for the transfiguration of the whole being by Christ.

Allow The Incarnation of God (Through Ending The State, Stuff, and Ways of You),

versus Clinging, Self-protection, Self-feeding, and Self-improvement

sri dava prakasha


The natural life is only about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving the individual; while only The Way of Freedom is about Ending the state, stuff, and ways of self, and only The Way of Freedom is about the Incarnation of God.

The natural life is about clinging: clinging to self, and clinging to all that protects and feeds self. The natural life is that which the masses are always doing. The natural lifeis that of protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving individuality. The natural life isthe life of clinging to self, and to all that protects and feeds self. It matters not whether that which aperson is doing in any given moment is considered ordinary, religious, or spiritual, because it is only

about clinging, and is only about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, or improving individuality,and is, therefore, only the natural life. Only The Way of Freedom is Unnatural, because only The Way of Freedom is about Ending the limitation and suffering of self and its clinging ways, and only The Way is about allowing the Incarnation of God. All the spiritual teachings, paths, and practices found on the spiritual circuit, are only about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, or improving individuality. They are all about clinging: clinging to self, and clinging to all that protects and feeds self. Therefore, a spiritual life is a natural life. The spiritual circuit is filled with teachings, paths, and practices which promise to make you blissful or at least feel better, or to make you spiritual or enlightened, or to give you some spiritual experience, or to make you or your life better in some other way. Spiritual teachings also commonly promise that there is a way for you to live longer, or for you to at least survive your physical death. However, the profound error of spirituality is that it only strengthens self and its ways, and, therefore, also only increases suffering. But, as the reader discovers as he studies, the ordinary and religious lives do the same as spirituality, because they are all the same natural life of protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving individuality. They are all about clinging. To live the natural life, to seek the protection, feeding, filling, embellishment, and improvement of individuality, to cling, regardless of the means, is to strengthen the state, stuff, and ways of individuality. And, to live the natural life, to strengthen the state, stuff, and ways of individuality, to cling, only increases the suffering that you are. The natural life only reinforces the state, stuff, and ways of limitation and suffering that you are. Individuality is the state, stuff, and ways of limitation and suffering. You are limitation and suffering; you are individuality; you are an individual. On the other hand, only God’s Way of Freedom is Unnatural, and is about the ending of self, and its stuff and ways, and only God’s Way is about the Incarnation of God. The state, stuff, and ways of individuality are that which prevent the True Realization and Incarnation of God. And, the natural life, whether ordinary, religious, or spiritual, is about nothing but clinging, is about nothing but protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving, and thus strengthening, individuality.

A slight digression is needed here. This idea is further explained later in this Book, but, I will Say at this point, that nothing is “wrong” with strengthening and improving the individual, because a strong sense of self is part of growing as a human being, and becoming ordinarily-functional. And, moreover, being a mature adult who has achieved ordinary-functionality, is a necessary foundation for deeply living The Way of Freedom. Generally, ordinary-functionality is the ability to negotiate, manipulate, and interact with the things of nature, in the meeting of one’s own needs. And, to meet one’s own needs, is to use one’s faculties to protect, feed, fill, embellish, and improve individuality; all of which is the strengthening of individuality. Almost every person who reads this Book has achieved ordinarily-functionality, and the reader should not leave this section with the idea that strength of individuality, and ordinary-functionality, are “bad”. The natural way is that of strengthening individuality through clinging, and through protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving self, and is ordinary-functionality. However, the natural way is not “bad”, but must be discussed so that you can begin understanding the natural life you are now living, in contrast to The Unnatural Way of Freedom. Religious and spiritual paths are also natural, just like an ordinary life which is bereft of religion or spirituality, because they are the same natural way of clinging, and protecting, feeding, and improving self, but merely cloaked in religious or spiritual garb. That is why

the ordinary, religious, and spiritual lives are all natural, and are essentially identical in that they are all about self rather than God.

Returning to the theme of this section, the natural life is the life of the masses, whether it is called ordinary, religious, or spiritual. In opposition to the natural life of the masses, The Way of Freedom is not to cling, is not to protect, feed, fill, embellish, and improve you, the individual. Contrary to the natural life of clinging, self-protection, self-feeding, self-embellishment, and selfimprovement, The Way is about allowing the Incarnation of God Through the mind and body, and Into the infinite world of space and form.

But, not only is The Way not about clinging, and not about protecting, feeding, and improving individuality, it is the very state, stuff, and ways of individuality that prevent the Realization and Incarnation of God. So, it is the state, stuff, and ways of you that must be starved and Removed, for God to have room to Incarnate Through that mind and body. The Way is not about clinging, and is not about protecting you, or feeding you, or making you feel better, or improving you, but it is, in fact, about starving and Removing the state, stuff, and ways of you that prevent the Incarnation of God. The Way does not leave-alone the self, or its stuff and ways, while packing it all off into a safe little corner, and while God Incarnates Through another corner of the mind and body. The Way is about the complete starvation and Removal of self, and its stuff and clinging ways, so that God can completely Incarnate Through the mind and body, and Into the infinite world ofspace and form. God’s Way is not about the further incarnation of you, but includes starving and Removing the state, stuff, and clinging ways of you, in order to make room for God. Much more is explained about the following fact as this Book continues, but, it is important to understand now, that The Way of Freedom unfolds both gradually and suddenly. It is gradual because years are required for the stuff and ways of individuality to be completely starved, and to be either Removed (Purified) or Changed. The gradual aspect of God’s Way has to do with the starvation and Removal or Purification of your subtle selfish stuff, and the Changing of your subtle and gross selfish and clinging ways into more of a giving- and Faithful-orientation. The Way is also sudden because there comes a final moment in time when the very state of individuality, the very core-level state of you, the very state of limitation or separate consciousness that you are, Dissolves. That sudden, culminating, and final moment is True Ego-Death, True God-Realization, True Incarnation, wherein the very state of you as an individual comes to an End while the body yet lives. Ego-Death, God-Realization, and Incarnation, are terms which point to the same irrevocable Event: the Ending of individuality, and the Perfect Integration or Sameness of mind and body with the very State of God, and the Shining or Radiance of God Through the mind and body, and Into the infinite world of space and form. Ego-Death, God-Realization, or Incarnation, is the Revelation of God Into the world of space and form. More importantly, it is the Revelation of God to humanity. True and sudden Ego-Death (or True God-Realization and Incarnation) Occurs only after years of gradual Purification and Change. The gradual aspect of The Way is the long period wherein God is allowed to Prepare the mind and body to become a fit Vehicle for Him. God’s Path is about allowing the Incarnation of Him (through ending the state, stuff, and clinging ways of you), and is not about clinging, and is not about protecting, feeding, and improving you. This is the third and final general reason why God is the Foundation of The Way of Freedom. In closing: The serious follower relinquishes his smaller perspective of life, and allows a broader vision to unfold, by intuitively understanding that the The Way of Freedom, by understanding that his very existence and life, are much more about God, than about him. Yet, he also realizes that The Way fully involves the depth and breadth of him and his life, because all of him, and all of his stuff and clinging ways, must be out of God’s way, so that God is not prevented. The follower cannot hide or hold-back any part of him, his stuff, or his ways, and realistically expect to allow and Realize God. He cannot cling, and cannot protect and feed self, and cannot be enamored of self-reliance and self effort,and expect to allow the Incarnation of God. The serious follower has taken-up the only Unnatural Way, and leaves the natural way of clinging, self-protection, self-feeding, self-reliance, and self-effort, to the ordinary, religious, and spiritual masses. He is not even trying to use God to protect, feed, fill, embellish, or improve self, mind, body, or external life. He is ever-more-deeply seeing through those errors. He is also not seeking self realization,or any modification to self, or any therapizing of self, or his essential nature. He is also gradually relinquishing his impulse to become a Free, Divine, or Blissful self. He recognizes that he is simply a limited and suffering individual, and understands that he can never be Free, Divine, or Blissful, because that which is, by its very nature, limitation and suffering, can never be God. Yet, he seeks True Realization, not to glorify or improve himself, but in order to end the limitation and suffering that he is, while the body yet lives. He seeks a more Glorious Destiny, but not more self glorification. The Way of Freedom is not about enduring a therapy, or moving your energy around, or experiencing your consciousness, attention, or mind. It is not about protecting, feeding, or modifying self in any way. It is not about making a better you, even though tremendous improvements may be noticed on the subtle and gross levels of ordinary-functionality. The Way does not seek to have an experience of

any kind, but is the Faithful Sacrifice of that which seeks to get and experience. The spiritual-types who are seeking God-Realization, are actually seeking to get and experience God, which is impossible. For True God-Realization, for True Incarnation, that which seeks to get and experience must Dissolve and Die, and be out of God’s way, while the body yet lives. The Way of Freedom is about inviting and allowing God to Remove or Change the state, stuff, and

ways of you, that prevent Him from Incarnating Through that mind and body. It is not about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, or improving individuality. It is about the ending of individuality and its ways, and the Incarnation of God. It is not about protecting, feeding, filling, embellishing, and improving the limitation and form which is you, but is about allowing the Unlimitedness and Formlessness of God to Flow Through the mind and body. The Way of Freedom does not increase clinging to self, and to all that is used to protect and feed self, but is about decreasing the clinging to every thing of form within and without. In many spiritual teachings, paths, and practices, the Name of God is rarely mentioned, and God is certainly not the foundation, and God is often not even the goal. A serious spiritual seeker who has spent years on the spiritual circuit, can attest to the fact that God is either largely excluded from most spiritual teachings, paths, and practices, or is simply a “peripheral matter”. However, The Way of Freedom is not a spiritual path or practice. It is God and His Way. The Way of Freedom is Initiated, Sustained, and Completed by God, and Ends with only God remaining. It is by God and about God from beginning to End. You first understand The Way of Freedom by Grace, and you are Guided and Sustained along The Path by Grace, and the state, stuff, and ways of self are Removed or Changed by Grace, and God is Realized and Incarnated by His Grace. This entire creation is His Show and is about Him, and True Realization is about Him because It is the Incarnation of Him into His world of space and form.


Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone




from Making Sense Of The Madness - Volume 2 - Keys To Reality


As the confusion lifts from the minds of True Beings and because the evil energy patterns harnessing them will be broken, fears

which have wrecked their lives for so long will also be dispelled. And this mental freedom will be cherished with a fervour previously unknown. Who of the True Beings has not been plagued by fears at every step of this miserable existence? These unwanted, unwarranted fears have wreaked havoc on their lives. They have confused further, exploited and denigrated their targets to a point of derangement in some. True Beings should take heed for they will be able to take revenge on the mechanisms which implanted those fears into their minds. When the fears are dispelled and the True Beings realize that they are free of the traps which held them for so long, many will appear to overreact in their zeal. But they will not really overreact. They will totally REJECT this plane and those of evil.

Even now while the evil energy patterns still linger, many True Beings are strong enough to break the bonds which hold them and inspite of the oppressive weight of evil, escape from the traps. No words can describe the spiritual freedom which is attained when the illusion is fractured. To call the bluff and win is a great achievement indeed. No more is one harnessed by the evil implanted fears and no more is one blackmailed by the thought of the need of safety for the physical, or responsibility towards dependents or even the thought of eternal punishment. These are all seen for what they are -- total nonsense.

Just think how many True Beings have been programmed with fears of physical suffering, of ridicule, of eternal HELL FIRES. Just think how many have failed to act because of fear of the evil demiurge and instead have succumbed to far more evil and oppressive mechanisms of exploitation. Think of how many have been fooled to feel responsible for robots and demons who, by trickery, have been made their dependents.

Think of how many have been blackmailed into not seeing the Light by Ego, economic considerations, social status and the apparent need to uphold the evil system. There are many other examples and when True Beings awaken they will vent their anger on those who fooled them and held them down and this includes the evil demiurge. Unprotected by his Archons and minions, he too is vulnerable to the wrath of the True Beings. If only True Beings realized the power that they, as Divine Beings, truly have, they would change the world overnight. But alas, for so long have they been oppressed and brainwashed that they believe they are weak and useless against the evil system while its evil patterns still affect them.

Implanted fears have always been one of the surest mechanisms of controlling True Beings on this plane. From the very first moments of life, fears play a predominant role in preventing spiritual awakening. As individuals were trapped, their minds were filtered of the True knowledge (and memory) of the consciousness and instead a great void was created in its place. And it was fear of this void and possibilities beyond the physical plane which threatened the trapped beings. Fear of physical pain and suffering since that time of entrapment has also held many and blackmailed them into actions and situations which act against their Divine nature. And even today, pain, the thought of suffering and the possibilities of events after death hold many in fearful traps so that they squander their heritage. The targets of this evil system are always the True Beings. The robots too are programmed with these fears and are cowards when it comes to confrontation with suffering and death. They have even more to fear, of course, for they have the real fear of the Divine energy judging them. They know they are evil and are forever hoping they will escape the wrath of the Light.

The fears in True Beings instead are not real and often they spontaneously awaken to this fact and are able to throw off the shackles imposed upon them. And as they do, they are fearless in confronting adverse situations, for they know their own basic ontological nature and know that they are not evil or worthless, inspite of the indoctrination they have received through the religious institutions and the minions of evil.

Fear of pain and suffering due to the workings of the emotional body has exploited many True Beings through the ages. It is not so much the True consciousness that has been threatened but rather the programmed physical body which has taken over expression for the entrapped consciousness and dictated its likes and dislikes. In most cases the physical body is programmed to be very cowardly and to yield to the slightest demand of the evil essence. And it is when the True consciousness within is blocked and the expression of the physical body is allowed to be its representative that the total entity is ruled by fears of pain, suffering and emotionalism. It is then that the entity becomes threatened and exploitable. In other words, in such situations the True consciousness has been blocked off sufficiently so as to allow the unreal consciousness of the body to dictate how that entity lives. True Beings must awaken to this fact and disregard physical discomfort and the threat of pain and suffering at all costs, for they must see these as spurious, evil-implanted mechanisms to hold them back, to exploit them and to prevent awakening to the Truth. They must see beyond the apparent needs and cowardice of the physical and recognize the qualities of the True consciousness trapped within the material body.

They must see beyond the bluff and the persistent empty traps of the evil system and the demiurge and see their existence beyond his confines. They must see that all the demigod and his system can affect are the things he created, including the physical body and that basically without the True Beings' consent he cannot tamper with their Divine consciousness in any way. Hence, regardless of what is done to the physical body, which is not the True consciousness of the True Beings anyway, the True consciousness can be a stable, unaffected entity in the midst of the fiercest battle, unaffected by the fears and threats thrown at it by the evil systems.

To be so stable in times of turmoil, full mastery of the physical vehicle is needed and this is easier to accomplish than many think. Once the realization of the relationship is made between the body and the True consciousness trapped within, it is an easy matter to affirm: "I am not the body." Once this is realized, the body can be totally bypassed so that its fears, reflexes, desires and responses can be fully controlled by the being within. The body is then allowed to express with basic functions on this level without interfering with the True expression of the True consciousness. No longer then does the inner consciousness pander to the whims or weaknesses of the physical body. They are simply bypassed because it is realized what they are.

Fears of all sorts are then recognized as fears of the physical body, fears for its physical welfare, which are irrelevant in the context of the spiritual being within. Hence, they are not only ignored, but also completely destroyed. Once a being is free of such fears, he is able to express more completely as a True Divine Being for he cannot be threatened, harassed or oppressed by the unreal fears of the evil system.

This is the freedom which allows the elevation of consciousness beyond the imposed limits of the evil plane. This is the freedom for which all True Beings must strive. This is the freedom of True Beings so greatly feared by the ruling evil archons and minions. With such freedom, beings are not threatened by physical violence. The thought of physical death is not looked upon as a dreaded event, but rather as a joyous act of liberation. The threats of pain and suffering are not seen as obstructions to expression but rather as often inevitable consequences of being an effective worker on this plane against the evil elements which control it.

One should confront such fears and threats if they occur and expose them for the empty fears and threats that they are, for they show that one is being effective against the opposition and that it is the evil ones who are threatened by the work of the True Beings. And after all, confrontation with those of an evil essence is what the True Beings want. It is the surest way of fracturing the old evil energy patterns and allowing their replacement with the new. It is the quickest way of breaking the bonds of constraining traps for individuals.

Once the physical is mastered, it will remain subdued if proper care is taken of it. Mastery over its mind, over its wants, its appetites, its likes and dislikes, its needs for rest, comfort, appeasement must be accomplished quickly. Habits and outer mind thoughts must be seen for what they are: implanted mechanisms to hinder the expression of the True consciousness trapped within. Seeing them thus will facilitate their removal and the ultimate expression of the True Being.

The counterfeit beings, the demons and the heavily programmed beings in society who have a great fear of physical pain, suffering and death will never admit the Truth written here. They will scoff and snigger and call it absurd and try and label it in some derogatory manner. But who do they think they are bluffing? Those with true vision can see right through them. They play a charade which is no longer effective. Their countenances are racked with the very fears I write about and it is they who are tormented by this Truth. And it is they who will suffer the most, for in denying the Truth of these things, it is they who will be unwilling and unable to throw away these fears. In fact, they will be compounded by the fact that they know it is the Truth and that they will be eventually caught and subjected to both a just Judgement and deserved punishment for the evil roles they have played against those of the Light.

Note that what I have written is very, very different to what the evil beings give as directions to dispel fears. They advocate acceptance of all that occurs on this plane without discrimination. They ask people to accept all, to love everyone and everything on this plane, giving the excuse that it is all part of God's work. Well it is not! They ask people to dismiss thoughts of the existence of evil and to forgo the need to protect, to cleanse, to avoid negativity, etc. I have identified these people often enough before. They include the followers of Seth, "A Course in Miracles", Ramtha, Lazaris and "Eckankar" and many, many others.

What they are doing, of course, is trying to convince and fool True Beings into accepting all the programming, pollution and indoctrination metered out by the evil system. Their philosophy does not allow one to realize what is going on, rather, it allows beings to be trapped even further and be buried deeper by the system, so that their exploitation is facilitated. People caught in their web of deceit will be more and more fooled and eventually can be used to fool other True Beings.

When one abandons oneself to the evil systems of this dimension, often the programming that results is sensually pleasing. But how long does that last? One has to keep fooling oneself and to constantly deny the Inner Voice in order to live as the mindless robots do. And of course, True Beings caught in this way are in danger of compromising so much that they eventually become totally evil through their own stupidity after having allowed themselves to be completely fooled. Many True Beings do not make any effort to turn to the Light once they are told what is going on, for their EGO gets in the way. They do not want to admit that they had been fooled.

My advice to you is to repel those who say there is no evil, that all are equal, that all must be accepted equally and that if you love everyone and everything then all will be OK. The Truth is that it is not OK. When True Beings who have been fooled by them for a while point out that this (false) philosophy of being indiscriminate does not work, the evil perpetrators put the blame on the True Beings by claiming that their efforts were not sufficient and that they did not love enough. It appears that one cannot win against the evil beings once one compromises with them. If True Beings treat the evil beings as equals, they will be abused, suppressed, oppressed and exploited by the very evil beings with whom they have compromised and to whom, in all probability, they showed love and compassion.

As I have said often enough before, love and compassion are wasted on evil beings. They do not respond to them. They may appear to respond but that is because it either suits them to appear to do so or else they have an ulterior motive (which is nearly always the case) and they have things to gain. This has always been the case since the evil takeover and this is the hidden aim of those who ask for indiscriminate acceptance of this plane, of the Usurper, his Archons, minions, counterfeit beings, devils and disastrously evil exploitative systems. As soon as one truly sees through the evil illusion, there is a tendency for one to grow impatient for its total destruction.



The Fear of Death:

As you look around this miserable planet and witness the gross injustices, the severe exploitation, the inhumane way many are

treated, the massive suffering and the emotional burdens many have to endure, you will, if you have grasped the significance of what is going on, grow impatient for correction of this aberration, this cancerous growth on the face of creation. Curb the impatience, for an army of Light warriors is hard at work to do just that in the shortest possible time. You can help by becoming more aware of the evil traps, of the evil energy patterns which constrain and exploit. Even a mental attack on them will help destabilize those patterns which need to fracture in order for liberation to occur. One of the greatest programming factors which forces most on this plane to toe the evil line is the instinct for physical survival. The fear of death is a very strong one for most people and it is used to foster many of the other mechanisms of entrapment on this plane. The churches have exploited this fear forcefully and persistently to oppress, rule and cheat people out of their money. They have fooled people into thinking they have a monopoly on the "next life" and can control who survives and who does not.

The fear is increased by the programmed wants and needs of the physical body and by the loss of awareness most suffer. When one sees oneself as the physical body only, naturally the fear will be greatest for one thinks loss of that physical body and its environment is the end for it. But that is not so. When one sees that the physical body is simply a disposable mechanism of expression, then not only does its significance diminish to its proper level, but also the fear of losing physical life is destroyed. Many would realize what a cruel joke existence on this evil plane really is if they realized that even in "normal" so-called everyday settings and in unaware people, the physical bodies accommodate various differing consciousnesses at differing times.

Often, without even the closest relatives realizing the switch that occurs, one consciousness leaves and another enters a particular body. This often occurs with use of drugs, with alcohol, after a major assault on the body as occurs in an accident (motor car accident with loss of consciousness, shock, etc.) and in surgery. Often subtle changes of personality are detected by those close to the person but the significance of these is usually missed. The reason why there are usually no early dramatic changes, although there can be, is the fact that the new consciousness has very little of its traits permeating through the vital (lower) being and expressing. In other words, what one sees in most cases is the expression of the physical shell and its programming, its pollution and its indoctrination and not the expression of the consciousness which occupies that shell. Where does all this leave the Doctrine of Resurrection of the body? Absolutely nowhere. And that is exactly where it belongs.

If people lost the fear of physical death, their whole way of life would change dramatically and for the better. This has been extensively documented to be so in those who suffer what are called "near death syndromes", that is, people who experience the astral dimension, but are called back to this physical life and can recall the episode. The certainty they attain of the continuation of the consciousness places things into perspective and they realize that the physical existence is a transient phase. Those of you with the true Gnostic "Nous", that is, the true Inner Gnostic Knowledge, should be able to go a lot further in your understanding. You should see that not only is the physical existence transient, but also that it is an evil trap for the consciousnesses of Light and that one is made to come back again and again and again. And that is because the dimension has been closed off. More than that, you should see that the emotional traps of religions, spouses, parents, siblings, etc. are just that --- traps. The bodies and their forces change from life to life. As an example, one can be an Australian male aboriginal in one life and a female European in the next, etc. The bodies have no significance whatsoever. It is the consciousness within those physical bodies and behind those faces which is important. But alas, awareness has fallen so low that most do not recognize friend from foe in ontological terms.

The evil mechanism of Reincarnation makes a mockery of family ties, racial superiority, nationalism, one's religion, prestige of personal wealth, gender, social status and so on, things which are extremely highly valued in the unaware state. These are the things which have caused all the feuds, revolutions, wars and suffering since time immemorial. The reason they are nonsensical is because, one changes family, race, nation, social position, etc., from life to life.

Quieten your outer physical, polluted mind long enough and the answers you need will be given. People fall into traps because of unawareness. Many however, voluntarily race into them because of ambition and greed. Awakening is not enough. One must become an active participant in this war. Those unaware, including scientists, know something is terribly wrong with the earth and it is almost amusing to see the diverse, illogical rationalizations and so-called scientific explanations they concoct to explain away that which is occurring.

One cannot really totally prevent the pain and humiliation which are inflicted on the workers of Light in this dimension. Hence, be patient and be courageous. Do not judge people with your physical mind and physical senses. Rather see them as expressions of an essence -- either of the Divine essence (and these are few indeed) or of the evil essence. Dispel forever the falsehood of the Brotherhood of Man.

Most people are grossly coated with the evil programming, pollution and indoctrination of this place. But nonetheless, if your perception grows you will be able to identify who each is in spiritual terms and the role each plays. People are either for or against the Divine Energy. This is true for all manifestations on this plane including animals, vegetables, and minerals. Everything on this level has a price. All interactions on this plane cost us something. The price may be monetary, physical, social, emotional or energetic. Nonetheless, the interactions, like all foods, drugs, chemicals, etc, which are used by the body will have a spiritual effect. And that spiritual effect will either enhance a True Being or retard him.

Do not be fooled and above all, do not be lazy. Learn to assess each interaction and its cost to you as a Divine True Being in your quest to become a perfect instrument for the Divine. As I stated earlier, any compromise with the evil essence, no matter how small or apparently insignificant, is detrimental to your spiritual well-being. Remember this the next time you are presented with a programming or polluting interaction. And then use your Freewill to choose.

Become aware of the little traps, the little episodes of pollution for they are the ones which accumulate surreptitiously. The large traps are obvious and not missed, but the little ones can be and as they accumulate in their effect, they can be just as destructive as the large ones.

By now if you have not stopped smoking or drinking alcohol or stopped taking non-prescription drugs (of addiction) you need to question your sincerity and your desire to serve the Light. If you are not careful with your diet, if you are promiscuous, or are still attached to material possessions, you are probably not going to make the grade.

You can find out exactly where you are on the spiritual path and judge your degree of surrender by simply examining yourself and your habits, your friends, your thoughts, your sincerity, your attachments and your willingness to serve the Light without provisos.

Evil beings and those totally programmed, polluted and indoctrinated by the evil essence are no match for honest, sincere True Beings. However, to combat evil beings one needs a profound working knowledge of evil as well as all the Divine attributes and Divine qualities. Only when True Beings are aware of the evil essences, of evil beings in human bodies, their filthy tricks, oppression, traps and exploitations can they fight back and destroy the evil energy patterns which try to bind them and oppress them. Full realization of what is happening, of what is to happen and who various beings are and represent on this plane can be so overwhelming that the Higher Consciousnesses often purposely prevent ALL the knowledge from descending at once. It is a matter of protection of the lower being for such knowledge could simply overtax it! But the time for full revelation and knowledge with total realization is fast approaching. When that time comes for each individual, the prophecy of transformation to an awareness of the "Life Divine", as given by Shri Aurobindo, will have been fulfilled for that individual and he/she can look forward to leaving the physical shortly thereafter.

The process of realization and purification is painful, for the barbs of programming, pollution and indoctrination are stuck deep into the flesh. The emotional body will not give in without a fight and often the ego's stubbornness hurts the most. But if one surrenders as much as possible to the Divine with each passing day, the process will be completed in the time allotted.

No one said it would be easy! Attachments to anything of this realm make the process that much harder. Hence, detach and surrender. When one surrenders, what are lost are the things of this evil realm which are valueless in spiritual terms. But what are gained are gifts from the Divine Being and these are invaluable.

Remember, anyone who defines reality simply within the boundaries of his physical senses is a fool. Even the father of modern science, Albert Einstein, admitted this. True Sceptics will only accept that which they can see, hear, measure or weigh. Things must be proved to them to the satisfaction of their physical (and grossly limited) senses. Hence, sceptics are not only, as I have defined in the past, programmed evil liars, they are also fools.

Why do some people object to hearing about the end of the Brotherhood of Man and the end of the planet? Because they are evil and this is their home. This is their house of luxury. This is their heaven. They are filled with fear and dread at the thought of the True Divine essence dealing with them in the manner they deserve.

Many try to hide their fear and guilt. But do not be fooled. They know who they are, what they have done to the True Beings and what is truly in store for them. And no matter how often or how vehemently they deny the end of this realm, deep down they know that this message is true. And this knowledge burns deep within them. Yet they do not admit it for this would be an admission of their evilness. They will remain mendacious to the very last moment even after they are totally exposed. But they, like the evil demiurge Jehovah, will be fooling no one but themselves.



We are the generation which will not know death. This is the final generation. If the thoughts of most great men of history could be examined one would find that they were internally torn by doubts and uncertainties which tempered their actions. Most of these constructive men of history have been Beings of Light provided by the Rescue Plan to help this realm in some way until final rectification occurred. The doubts and uncertainties they suffered belonged to the realm and not to them or the Light. They were obstructed by the programming and pollution to some extent, the same programming and pollution which affect all in this realm. Unfortunately, the majority of beings are affected to a very great degree. In these previous generations definitive answers were not openly available as to why lives were so full of suffering and as to why there appeared to be an apparent absence of Divine management and justice. The ability in this generation to recognize the effects of programming and pollution make it a unique era. The simple fact that these aspects of existence in this realm are recognized and to some extent bypassed, is a major breakthrough for the Light in this war early on in the final generation.

To know that to a large extent the actions and reactions of the body and the emotions, including guilt and ego, are the result of programming should now encourage one to realize True Beings are being suppressed and secondly that these reactions and emotions are not the expression of the true individual, but are preprogrammed responses to a situation which can therefore, be altered or bypassed. The feeling of guilt or unworthiness of ourselves in the presence of others, or in the presence of the Divine energy is not our natural reaction. It is the programmed response in this realm in order to belittle the Divine Beings who reside within the shells of this realm. But all this will now cease for "we are the generation which will not know death."

It was prophesied long ago that on this planet would occur a generation which would not know death. We are that generation. What this means is that because of the breakdown of the evil system, return of full awareness to certain beings, complete breakdown of Maya with a resultant understanding of the Reality behind the illusion, and the rescue that is about to occur, our inner consciousness will become the controller of expression of our being and the Truth in its entirety will be revealed.

This Truth includes the fact that we are a continuing consciousnesses, not subject to death. In actual fact, because of the above changes and the rescue we will be able to bypass the filtering mechanisms of these bodies and see that we are continuing beings when the shell is dropped. Consciousness will be continuous even as we change bodies. The evil trap of reincarnation will no longer cloud our consciousness. We will not suffer the humiliation and the fear of this imposed system of the evil demigod which includes pain, suffering, disease, degeneration, misery and death. As changes occur on this place in this generation, more and more will the realization come from within that we are not the bodies. We are consciousnesses which occupy these bodies and have been fooled by programming mechanisms in the bodies and their filtering mechanisms into believing that we are these bodies and that we deserve all the punishment, degeneration, fear and emotional exploitation to which we have been severely subjected for a long time.

With changes that are imminent will come a loss of fear and a knowledge of the Truth. We will be able to celebrate, even as the changes are occurring, our victory over the evil system. It is with adequate preparation and restoration of our awareness that we will be able to take full advantage of the fact that we are the generation which will not know death. If the preparation is not adequately made and awareness is not restored, the changes that are to occur will result in more pain, suffering, anxiety and fears. It is an active choice of Freewill as to whether people will awaken and prepare, or whether they will reject the stimulus to awaken and allow their programmed doubts and scepticism to keep them enclosed in that tomb of ignorance in which they have been trapped for so long. It is those who are unprepared who will suffer the most and the changes for them will mean greatly increasing horror and fear.

The changes include various mechanisms in order to bring about a clearing of this planet. The timing is such that individual events may vary. However, all clearing mechanisms will have been effective by the end of this decade. In this generation we are fortunate because a connection to the dimension containing the Rescue Team who are organizing the rescue plan, has allowed full restoration of knowledge of what has happened to this plane. It has revealed who we are, what rectification is to occur and why. Without the connection it would have been impossible to acquire this knowledge and to have a full understanding of the true reality behind this illusion. This is the first generation since the takeover of this dimension in which this knowledge has been available in full. And yet it is sad to see how people have been so trapped by the evil system that when this Truthful revelation, which is so beneficial, comes, they reject it with evil programmed doubt and scepticism. This will not alter the course of events however, and although the opportunity is there to realize that we are the generation which will not know death, absence of this realization in the majority of people does not alter the fact that all these things that are to occur, such as the cleansing of this plane and rescue of the true, faithful beings, will occur.

At no other point in history has the knowledge of the evil takeover, knowledge of the war, knowledge of the modifications of the physical manifestations of the True Beings and knowledge of a usurping, overbearing, evil creation with mock beings been given. Glimpses were given to many of the Light. Hope was dispensed and faith asked for, but never was the knowledge of the full situation given to any generation. This is the first generation with full knowledge. This is the generation which will not know death as prophesied. Those who throw away this opportunity to reach full understanding, full awareness and the opportunity to prepare for the phase of clearing will express their foolishness and will be ever so sorry for having done so.

It is the True Beings who have to awaken to this knowledge and awareness. Those who have remained evil and those who have spurned the Divine will not want to know this information. They will not care that this is the generation which will not know death. They will continue to deny and reject due to programmed doubt and scepticism until the very final days. It is important that True Beings do not become affected by these evil demons, that they do not succumb to the harassment, ridicule and humiliation by them. Do not be put off. Do not fall into their traps.

Once the massive mechanisms for clearing occur, all doubt will be dispelled and all will come to the realization that this information is the Truth, that this, in fact, is the generation which will not know death. But more than this, it will mean the end of the evil system and its mock beings. They will come to know the meaning of True Justice, Judgement and Transmutation.

Much effort has been made by members of the rescue team including such beings as Rama, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, etc. continually to bring about this final generation. Many members of the Light in all realms, levels and dimensions have worked fervently and continuously to be able to bring this generation into the Light. Those beings who have failed and those who have remained evil will know complete death in this generation because they will be subjected to punishment after judgement and this punishment is a payment for that which they have caused to True Beings. Then they will be transmuted back into primordial energy.

This is the generation in when full exposure of the mechanisms of programming and pollution has occurred, in which sufficient New Energy has been able to be transmitted into this plane to allow a breakup of the evil energy patterns which have contained this dimension in a tomb of confusion, ignorance and evil since the takeover. This is the generation in which, for the first time, a connection to a Supramental Consciousness has been possible. This connection has affected a few beings on the planet and will affect more and more as the changes occur and the dimension is cleared for the restoration of the orderly, Divine, evolutionary plan.


This is the generation in which changes to the physical bodies and to the subtle bodies of certain beings have occurred so that they can accommodate the New Energy and the Supramental Consciousness and in which, for the first time, there is a linking of the True Beings and a massive awakening of the True Beings to form an army of consciousnesses on this plane which will overthrow completely the shackles placed on them by the system and by the evil beings of the system. This has never occurred before, although many attempts had been made. This is the generation of success, when all the Maya will be destroyed completely and forever. This is the generation which affords the opportunity to dispel all fears and to bring back the Light into the hearts and minds of all faithful beings. This is the generation which will expose all evil practices of religions, of sects, of false philosophies, of false teachers. It will allow exposure of all evil and the liberation of True Beings. This is the generation in which the ability to bypass the emotional body and the factors affecting it can occur and in which the prayers of the faithful will be answered and those prayers included the invocation to the "Father energy" to make its presence felt, to liberate them from this den of iniquity, to liberate them from the pain, suffering, humiliation, torment and energy exploitation to which they had been subjected for so long without them ever remembering why.

This is the generation in which those who have remained faithful will see the answers to their prayers. They will feel fulfilled, for, having prayed for so long for Justice to occur, they will see it occurring. As prayers are answered, evil ones will be brought to justice and punished and the true, faithful ones will be rewarded for remaining faithful. This is the generation in which the mockery and humiliation that the True Beings have had to endure will be repaid with the justified wrath of the "Father". He will avenge the severe suffering to which His Divinely-created beings were subjected. All accounts will be settled. All the evil ones will be exposed and there will no longer be anywhere for them to hide. And this is the generation when truly the pure of heart shall see God.

The connection to a Supramental plane and Consciousness and the ability of the True Beings to group together on this plane in this generation will allow a manifestation of the energy of the "Father" to occur in the physical. This energy has manifested before through the Rescuers which we have had, but not to the massive degree in which it will manifest on this plane in this generation. Hence, the prophecy of being the generation which will not know death and the prophecy that God would manifest on earth for the Final Judgement will be fulfilled.

Inspite of the often repeated prophecies in all cultures throughout all ages, in all continents, that these would occur, people have seen fit, because of evil programming, to ignore these reminders and to mock that ability of the Godforce that would fulfil the prophecies. And so it is now that those of this generation who still reject it will have such a profound shattering of their illusion that they will not recover. They will go into a stupor of fear and gloom of doom from which they will never recover. This is entirely their fault and the suffering, pain and humiliation are also their fault, for it is they who have not heeded the warnings. It is they who, through their Freewill have allowed themselves to be programmed and polluted so much so as to forget their own personal responsibilities and accountability. It is they who have forgotten the whole meaning of life and creation and their spiritual path and have lost their spiritual awareness. The faithless True Beings have forgotten their heritage, capabilities and Divinity. It serves them right to be judged and punished. No punishment can be too great for acts of Treason.

For the faithful beings, not only is this generation the one in which they will not know death, but it will also be the most joyous generation that has occurred on this plane since the takeover. For, with the news of what has happened and with restoration of the knowledge of who we are, of what rectification will occur and of the final rescue and judgement of individuals, will come the Joy of Liberation. This is such a momentous occasion that the thought of the Love, Joy, Peace and Harmony that will ensue in the future should be enough to gladden the hearts and fill the faithful with strength and gladness. Such thoughts should be enough to see them through any suffering, pain, humiliation and ridicule that they could possibly suffer between now and the final change. This joy and the prospect of peace, harmony, love, contentment and fulfilment will be seen to be more than enough compensation, such is their magnitude, for all the suffering, humiliation and exploitation that the faithful ones have had to endure since the evil takeover.

Conversely, in this generation, for those faithless and evil ones who have exploited the True Beings, the punishment they will receive will avenge all that which they have inflicted on the True Beings. They will be paid back for every moment of pain and suffering which they have inflicted on the faithful beings. Not one will escape the "Father". Not one will go unpunished. Not one will miss the realization of what it has done. Not one will miss that terror of the Gloom of Doom and the fear of the fate which awaits it. This is not written in order to be cruel, rather it is written to express the Truth of that which will occur. Those to be punished have no one but themselves to blame. They have been given countless chances throughout eons in all ways to use their Freewill and become beings of the Light. It is they who have rejected these opportunities again and again and again. And it is only they who have chosen to be judged as evil and to be transmuted.

The degree of fear in the beings of this generation which this information engenders will be a measure of their worthiness to remain in the Divine plan. As the true, faithful beings awaken, all fears will be dispelled and their hearts will be filled with the love and joy that the realization of the Divine and its rescue plan can give. Conversely, those who are evil and enemies of the Divine will be filled with more and more fear, inspite of outward appearances, as this generation progresses. The evil committed by those of evil will come back to them in this generation, for indeed: all evil beings are cursed by their own evilness.

The factors which influence the final clearing time include such things as the time it takes the faithful beings to awaken and prepare themselves. That is, the ability of the faithful to accept that their prayers have been answered and that they are being liberated will determine the swiftness of the changes that are to come. The aim in the rescue is to prevent as much suffering as possible. For too long has this dimension been trapped in fear, pain and suffering. These are products of the evil demigod and its evil system. They will be destroyed completely and forever as will be the fear of death in this generation. Not all the faithful beings will be gladdened at first, for many will feel the weight of whatever guilt they have. But mixed with that guilt and repentance will be the hope and joy of liberation. This generation is the final one. It will witness the culmination of all the rescue work of the Light and the end of the war. And it is what all the faithful beings of Light have looked forward to for a long, long time.

There is nothing the evil ones can do, for they are totally trapped and doomed. They can see the clearing energy patterns emerging and are very frightened. All the events about to occur on this planet in this generation will be logical and easily explained with the restoration of the memory of the takeover. Massive clearing mechanisms have occurred before but not to the extent of those in this generation. The one event which has had no precedence will be the New Energy in full Power and Glory.

Because of changes in the energy patterns in the next few years this planet will be well and truly boiling with battles and wars, disasters, infections, and accidents before the end. These are merely mechanisms for the clearing. When the night is at its darkest the Light will appear at its brightest. The most dramatic event of all will be the effects of the New Energy on this plane. In this generation in which clearing is to occur, the more the opposition block and frustrate the plan, the more massive, multifocal and precipitous will the changes be once the mechanism of clearing commences. In other words, everything will happen at once and the breakup will be even more dramatic.

The True Beings should now know that as the point of breakthrough comes closer, the more will the evil system and evil beings attack them. There is not much more that the opposition can do. The evil ones will become desperate and will attack in all sorts of ways. In the difficult times ahead, faithful beings should project themselves into the near future and be filled with limitless ecstasy of that which is to come. This dimension is locked in a pressure cooker. There is no escape. Sooner or later it has to explode. It will do so in this generation. There is no denying that this is so. The result is inevitable.

In these difficult times ahead True Beings have to be patient and show confidence and faith. They need to be flexible and realize that in the final stages of this war they can only expect the unexpected. This time of retribution and vengeance of the Lord will have been well worth waiting for. In this generation the evil beings can attack as much as they like. They can deny the Truth as vehemently as they can dare, all to no avail.

Denial will not change one thing. All that is to be will come to pass. The time for playing games is over. No one will be fooled any more by the illusion. Evil beings will not even be able to fool themselves. The time of total exposure and total cleansing is here. Victory for the Light will be complete. There is no way the enemy can avoid its Judgement and Punishment. This means total destruction of the enemy.

As evil individuals realize the correctness of this information they will try to retaliate. They will be very angry at being stirred up and having their bubble of illusion burst. Of course the evil beings will object to this information and to this message of clearing. But there is absolutely nothing they can do about it except rant and rave and attack me personally and all other awakened beings, with attempts at humiliation, ridicule, scorn and contempt. This is an insignificant price to pay for assisting in the eradication of evil.

Facing the True world Situation:

"Until we understand where we are, and accept it, we will not be able to move forwards from it "
There was once a time when humankind, or what was at that time humankind, were not in ignorance of their heritage and nature as spiritual beings first and foremost.
Currently, however, most persons are in fact ignorant of that very truth; the very fundament of their life remains, for the most part, obscured to them.
Now, there are reasons for this. Without going into too much detail, let us say that over time, mankind invited into its sphere, from the broad realms of the cosmos, through protracted selfish choices, as a race; as a collective; certain forces and intelligences which are not at all beneficent, and in fact, are quite malevolent, as far as human spiritual realization and development are concerned.
This is due in part, to the nature of the lower worlds, which have a tendency to encourage selfishness (which is self preservation, and also the dominance of the desire nature over the spiritual nature) and ignorance of Higher things as a means of self protection; for the Immortal and eternal is perceived as a bane, a threat to the mortality which wishes itself preserved, as is its nature ("Where God is, the world is Not").
This is saying that the manifest world is endowed with a certain intelligence, being spawned, as it was, from the desire-wish of beings endowed with the Creative Power of the Divine. When this intelligence is allowed to gain dominance over the Will-Volition of the indwelling Divine Spirit, a situation of ignorance and forgetfulness results, whereby the world of form is perpetuated by the continued (and in this sense, somewhat coerced, due to ignorance) involvement of Divine Material; meaning the soul-spark of individuated beings; in the world of form.
In such a situation, beings act from the impulses stemming from their form-nature, their mortal being, and not the impulses of their Divinely Endowed Spirit : their Conscience.
Which is to say, the puppet master, the master of the Person: the Soul, becomes puppeteered by the puppet: the form nature.
Needless to say, this naturally results in a great and complicated quandary, due to the nature of the world which seeks to remind the soul of its Real Nature through the consequences of suffering resulting from actions stemming from the selfish lower nature.

With us so far?
The time at which mankind started to become ignorant of its inherent spiritual Nature, its Divine Heritage, was the time when the world of form (and this includes the temporary worlds which reside just beyond this realm, the worlds where most people go when their body perishes, to await a return to this sphere), the lower world, began to hold sway over the mind and heart of these beings.
Thus began the imprisonment of mankind.
Those powers and forces which i speak of, are a manifestation of this ignorance, which results in the apparent power of matter over spirit. This is due only to forgetfulness, on the level of the Soul, so to speak.
These powers and forces are the embodiment and personification; on gross material levels, as well as more subtle energetic levels; of the dominance and intelligence of the form-world, the world of continual change and transitoriness, the world of self-preservation, desire, fear, ignorance, darkness, and all of the polarities which result.
This form-world (including of course, the astral/feeling and mental spheres, which are commonly mistaken as 'spiritual') in which we reside is distinct from the Spiritual world in which the Divine Spirit resides.
That world is one of Perfection, it does not come and go, it does not have its opposite (though, in this world, the nature of the Divine Kingdom ever is related as a paradox, due to the inability of the thinking mind; the intellect; which is of the dualistic form nature, to comprehend what is beyond it) and it is continually illumined by the Light of the Divine Spirit.
Its hallmarks are Unity and Harmony, and these qualities may be reflected in the form world, when the form aspect is guided in totality by the Divine Spirit; while the nature of the form world naturally inclines towards individuation, self preservation and opposite forces (duality).
When there is total accord of ones being with the Divine Universe, there is no separate being, there is no love-hate, no pleasure-pain, no remember-forgetting, no light-darkness, except in the play of appearances, which to the Divinely Illumined indwelling Spirit is but a Play, a Movie, an appearance-Drama having no real substance.
Eventually, when such a complete accord is allowed to run its course, there is even a complete disappearance from the form-world entirely, and a return to that Other, Unified, Fulfilled and Complete Nature.
However, to the being entrapped within the illusions of materiality; the form-nature; the existence of the separate, individuated being; and the world of continual opposition and swinging from one opposite to the next, is very real.
It is the case that, at this time, the gross material nature of the lower worlds, the world whose nature is self-preservation and desire (which results in selfishness) holds sway over the soul of the majority of humankind.

Humanity is blind, and they cannot see that they are blind.